Forest harvesting involves cutting trees and delivering them to sawmills, pulp mills, and other wood-processing plants. Forest harvesting involves cutting trees and delivering them to sawmills, pulp mills, and other wood-processing plants. Its practical components include road construction, logging, and log transportation. Years of planning go into deciding when and which parts of the forest will be harvested and how this will occur, all to ensure that these activities are carried out in a manner consistent with protecting social and environmental values. The specifics of forest harvesting in Canada depend on the region and type of forest. Forest harvesting refers to the methods used to cut and remove trees from the forest. Harvesting methods vary greatly in their intensity. Clear-cutting is the most intensive system, involving the harvest of all trees of economic value at the same time. The areas of clear-cuts can vary greatly, from patch-cuts smaller than a hectare in size to enormous harvests thousands of hectares in area, sometimes undertaken to salvage timber from areas that have recently been affected by wildfire or an insect epidemic.
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