Oxbow EnergyConstruction & Renovation

P.O.Box 108, Joussard, Alberta, T0G 1J0

Think about overhead powerlines and underground pipelines. Our pipeline customers rely on Oxbow Energy to ensure there are no trees above their pipeline and that there is a clear view of the sky for routine aerial patrols. Our utility clients rely and heavily depend on us to keep the Right of Way clear (Land Clearing) to ensure reliable service to their customers, help control service costs, and promote safety both on the property and for those working on it.

Why are Land Clearing and ROW Maintenance important?

  • Tree roots can damage the coating on the pipeline.
  • A clear ROW easement and properly placed line markers allow for better patrols and helps to notify the public of the utility being present.
  • A clear ROW allows for easy emergency access and makes other routine maintenance on the pipeline safer and easier.
  • Heavy Side Tree Canopy can prohibit the pilot from seeing the ROW during routine patrols.

By clearing everything from pipeline and railroad to electric utilities and roadways; we have helped our customers build a successful ROW Clearing program that focuses on long-term results, flat-line budgeting and a perfectly maintained Right of Way.

Land Clearing


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