An old dilapidated mill along a mountain stream, a Superfund site in a redeveloping part of town, an abandoned mine sitting at the outskirts of a city; we all see these and similar properties as we drive the country’s interstates and backroads. Reclamation of such sites runs the gamut from the regulatory-driven, returning a mine to pre-mining conditions; to the economically driven, repurposing a closed industrial facility to residential or recreational use. We have held supporting roles in land reclamation service. As with so much that we do, success in reclamation starts with understanding your ultimate goals and tailoring all aspects of the project to achieve them.
Reclamation projects vary from site to site. Some call for a custom design with extensive dirt work to restore original contours. Others require soil amendments and prescribed seeding to restore habitat to its native condition. No matter what your reclamation needs, our team has the experience and expertise to ensure professional planning, execution, and monitoring. Contact us before you begin construction on a new project. We can provide a detailed analysis of vegetation, soil, and climate.
When your project is complete, we can help you bring the land back to its original state. Our integrated services offer you a single point-of-accountability. We can also supply you with a detailed photographic diary of the project for your records.
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