Golden Bear Outfitting Ltd.Sports & Recreation

16458 Siphon Creek Rd., Cecil Lake, British Columbia, V0C 1G0

Our rut moose hunting in Cecil Lake runs from the middle of September through to the middle of October. During the rut, we do lots of calling to bring the bulls in. The weather is usually mild this time of year. The larger bulls are usually taken on this hunt. We take a minimum number of hunters per season during this time to keep success rates extremely high. We have to hunt for every budget and level of physical ability and desire. Give us a call and we will make sure to guide you to the best hunts for you.

The late-season hunt runs in November after the rut. The bulls are generally grouping back together at this time and we spend a lot of time covering miles of country to find where the bulls are feeding post rut. Once located we will move in for the stalk. Weather on this hunt can vary greatly from quite warm to extreme cold depending on the year. We only take a limited number of hunters on this hunt as well. Historically we have had high success on this hunt. This is a great hunt to pair with either Whitetail deer, mule deer, or both. We regularly see all 3 species during an average day of hunting, so it is a great fit for a combination hunt.

Our Moose hunting takes place in the forests. Our area has arguably the highest moose population in British Columbia with the trophy potential being very high. We have been operating here now for many years and have been successful due to our quality area and the knowledge we have gained within it.

Moose Hunting in Cecil Lake, BC  

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