Florapine Tree Services Inc.Tree Services

8768 Hwy 6, Arthur, Ontario, N0G 1A0

Florapine Tree Services Inc.

We are a company that removes trees, and we also trim trees and get rid of dead wood. But, we don't perform disease control, treatment for the Emerald Ash Borer, or planting, transplanting, or fertilizing. These items go to other businesses we collaborate with. Both for them and for us, this is working out incredibly nicely. The trees, of course, are unconcerned. With a bicycle and 100 business cards, we set out in 2008, leaving cards in mailboxes wherever it seemed that there could be trees in need of attention.

After operating as a Saturday hobby for a year, Florapine Tree Service was first registered in 2009. We formed the company in 2015, and it currently operates as Florapine Tree Service Inc. Florapine Tree Service Inc. makes every effort to provide its clients with the best service possible. Whenever there is an issue, we try our best to fix it, therefore if you are not happy with our service, kindly let us know.

Arthur, Tree Services, Tree Trimming & Pruning, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Cabling, bucket truck services, Storm damage restoration, Florapine Tree Services Inc.

Services offered at Florapine Tree Services Inc :

  • Tree Removal & Pruning: We cut down trees of every shape and size in practically any setting. Without being certified arborists, we. We can tidy up the branches if you cut down your own tree and want our help. Also, we do storm cleanup and practically any situation involving downed or damaged trees. Cleaning and repairing what's left of the tree are done in preparation for the electricity wires to be repaired.
  • Stump Removal: The hunger of our Vermeer SC852 stump grinder is enormous. This stump grinder has a cutting depth of 24 inches and 85 horse power, so it can handle the biggest stumps you can find. A 36-inch gate can also fit through it. It can only not do stumps in confined spaces. The task is then completed by hiring a friend who has a smaller machine. And we connect the dots for you.

Florapine Tree Services Inc.

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tel:(519) 848-5889

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