HSK Pump Service's goal is to keep your septic system running efficiently without costly repairs. Regular maintenance activities, such as septic tank pumping services, and regular inspections are essential for your septic system to run well, and minimize costly repairs in Pembroke, ON.
We use specialized technology and equipment including service trucks and vacuum trucks to perform the job quickly and efficiently. We use hydro jetting instead of other cleaning methods, so we are able to completely clear all debris from drainage systems and provide you with the best service.
Septic tank pumping is one of the most common septic tank maintenance activities to protect the investment of your septic system. Typically once every two to three years, but as often as needed. If your system overflows, then the pipes within your home may back up, and raw sewage could escape the septic tank and migrate into the leaching beds, which would cause the leaching bed to plug up, and fail. These are detrimental results that could negatively affect your family’s health and require costly repairs.
Within the tank itself, there can be a buildup of corrosive gases between the tank lid and the surface of the effluent. These gases, usually caused by high strength, heavy volume sewage scum and sludge, can be powerful enough to cause the concrete material to corrode and your septic tank to collapse. Regular septic tank pumping services with an inspection are one of the surest ways to keep your system working at its best.
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